Selasa, 03 Januari 2017

Watch your clock!

/ngalong as usual/
/found a quote on socmed/

"oh. this is so right through the heart"

"I know people who graduated college at 21, and didn’t get a salary job until they were 27. I know people who graduated at 25 and already had a salary job. I know people who have children and are single. I know people who are married and had to wait 8-10 years to be parents. I know people who are in a relationship and love someone else. I know people who love each other and aren’t together. There are people waiting to love and be loved. 
My point is, everything in life happens according to our time, our clock. You may look at your friends and some may seem to be ahead or behind you, but they’re not, they’re living according to the pace of their clock, so be patient. 
You’re not falling behind, it’s just not your time."
- Julissa Loaiza

Kalo ada yang curiga, tengah malem lagi bingung ya?
ditambah nemu quotes kaya gitu ya?
galau ya?
bimbang ya?
harah mlebu ndi?

Dan kalimat-kalimat tadi sedikit melegakan. Pengobar tekad buat sekarang, penyulut semangat buat nanti. Whatever happens, happens. 

Sekedar untuk dibaca dan disadari.
Yakin deh, seengaknya pernah sekali bertanya tanya kan, apalagi pas mengalami suatu hal seperti itu. 
"Aku kapan?" 
Ya maybe it's just not your time. He must've prepared the best time and place for us.  

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Maira Gall